An all-encompassing mentorship journey that is tailored to your unique unfolding–unlocking your fullest potential. 

  As we shift into this new expression,
we are flipping the switch from limitation to possibility...

Currently, we are entering a whole new paradigm and expression, where we are bridging worlds and embracing a completely new way of being. Many have no idea what is to come, and the question remains: What does this new way look like? We are in the process of learning a whole new way of being.


I understand that…

- Your soul feels exhausted.

- You feel lost, like a fish out of water or an alien on the wrong planet.

- Throughout your life, you have often gone against the grain of your inner knowing.

- You feel disconnected from your purpose and how to show up in the world.

- You have experienced fear due to lifetimes of persecution for using your unique gifts.

- You feel like you don't fit in and long to find a place where you belong.

- You know that you are here to serve a larger purpose and help humanity in some way.

- You have played small your entire life in order to fit in.


But YOU were never meant to fit into the old ways...
you were made for the NEW EARTH!


You are here to create change that ripples out as a new expression to create a new way of being. 

YOU are here with a unique purpose, to serve a greater knowing, and calling within…a calling home.

You are here to find the pieces to your larger puzzle or tapestry and thread together the greater story of your soul.

And it’s here that you get to unravel that thread of your unique story, not only of this lifetime, but one of the stars–Your cosmic journey.


Welcome to SoulPrint Mentorship, where your new earth expression unfolds...

- Experience your heart space as your new earth compass.

- Accessing the mastery that lies within you as a remembering.

- Navigate change with ease by harnessing YOU, your truth, and your new way forward.

- Living a life of vitality and coherence.

The life of YOU being fully YOU. 


Sign me up

Welcome to your inward journey home. I'm Lyndsay Diamond, your New Earth Guide.

I am from a future version of the New Earth, one that has evolved beyond the initial stages of its transformation—a branching off where the New Earth has already taken root, rippling out to the universe and beyond, creating a whole new paradigm of existence that will continue to evolve.

I’m here to assist humanity in reconnecting to their organic selves to help forge a new pathway forward. Through the New Earth blueprint, I help bridge worlds, unlocking new realms of possibility and aspects of self. 

As an architect of the New Earth, I guide clients back to themselves and to a place where they can heal, access their unique gifts and soul magic, and live from their intuition simply by being themselves. I understand firsthand how the journey home can feel lonely and burdensome, and attempting to navigate it alone can be overwhelming.

For myself, mentorship played a vital role in my own journey. The immense process of self-transformation required external support and guidance to thread together my larger tapestry and understand my soul’s story.

I am here to offer the same support, guidance, and understanding that I once received, helping you navigate your journey home with clarity and purpose.

SoulPrint Mentorship is...

This is the most intimate container that I’ve created for my clients’ unfolding thus far.

I am taking a limited number of Souls as this will be my primary focus. 

I want to be fully available to immerse myself in you and your unique journey. 


In the SoulPrint Mentorship Container, we will explore various areas tailored to your unique unfolding. While this list is not exhaustive, here are a few key aspects we may delve into:

  • Ascension/Healing
  • Past life imprints

  • Addressing unresolved trauma, past life imprints, and soul fragmentation

  • Energy Body reconnection, repair, and re-encryption

  • Mission/Purpose; accessing your soul gifts and magic

  • Understanding your Soul Origin and Soul Promise

  • Developing a connection with your guides and Galactic Team


  • Intuition and intuitive abilities

  • Exploring the intricacies of energy and how it interfaces with your being

  • Unveiling your New Earth blueprint and energy vehicle

  • Harnessing body wisdom; utilizing your body as a guide

  • Nurturing New Earth relationships and connecting through wholeness

  • Creating the life you desire through your New Earth expression


I am absolutely honored to guide you as you grab the reins, harness your truth, and feel empowered in your unique journey. 

This is the culmination of my life’s work and true calling, to serve and walk alongside YOU into a New Earth.

You are here to live out the new way and your fullest expression, sharing your unique offering with the world.

The time is now and you are needed!
