An all-encompassing approach to your journey, into the New World.

Together we rise.

When you light up the unconscious aspects of yourself, you embody the healing path.

Our Portal is about your journey, and our journey together.
We rectify and rebuild your connection to self as we Reveal the Revelation, always remembering that all healing, healers, and human bodies are unique.

Feel Supported On Your Healing Journey

As You Connect To Your Truest Self.

Join Here

Are you following and listening to the divine plan you created for yourself in this lifetime?

Are you feeling connected and aligned with the life you truly want to create?

Are you following and listening to the divine plan you created for yourself in this lifetime?

Are you feeling connected and aligned with the life you truly want to create?

Rectifying and rebuilding your connection to self as we Reveal the Revelation.


Our Portal is about your journey, and our journey together.


All healing, healers, and human bodies are unique.


Those that align with this portal may be:

  • Struggling to find their way, unsure of their path and purpose.
  • Feeling controlled by trauma or programming they can’t step out of.
  • Experiencing undiagnosed medical imbalances or chronic conditions.
  • Wanting to learn how to heal themselves and help others.
  • Feeling lost, like a fish out of water or an alien on the wrong planet.
  • Deeply aware they have hidden gifts, but unable to connect with them.
  • Those ready to access their gifts, live from their intuition, serve bigger, impact more align and integrate with your souls purpose.

Those that align with this portal may be:

  • Struggling to find their way, unsure of their path and purpose.
  • Feeling controlled by trauma or programming they can’t step out of.
  • Experiencing undiagnosed medical imbalances or chronic conditions.
  • Wanting to learn how to heal themselves and help others.
  • Feeling lost, like a fish out of water or an alien on the wrong planet.
  • Deeply aware they have hidden gifts, but unable to connect with them.
  • Those ready to access their gifts, live from their intuition, serve bigger, impact more align, and integrate with your souls purpose.
Sign Up Now!

Your journey is about coming back home to your divine SELF!


Emerge within this online community as you integrate with the unconscious aspects of your whole self in a reclamation of YOU.

A meeting place, where all truths come together. A space for you to explore your inner knowing.



"Being a part of the community portal has been such a wonderful space that I always look forward to.
It's been so supportive during uncertain times. A space of like minded souls who listen and understand you. A space of no judgment, compassion and acceptance.
The portal is also about learning and healing. So many incredible teachings and knowledge shared by Lyndsay. The insight, guidance and support we all receive from her is invaluable. The healing that happens the moment you come together with the portal community is powerful.
I am beyond grateful for this sacred space that Lyndsay provides for us. Looking forward to being a part of it throughout 2022."


"The group healing sessions have been so helpful to my journey through these times. The first one I attended left me feeling a deep sense of grounding, a deeper level of awareness and a knowing all is well and this connection to this undercurrent of deeper energy has stayed with me still!" 

The second group Healing offered so much healing to my inner child. I was clearly shown how I felt as a young girl and what needs were not met and then given opportunity to create a new pathway, a new way of living. 

I am forever grateful to Lyndsay and her offerings. Xo"

"Lyndsay, I wanted to say how powerful your last transmission was last week. I’ve been so feeling so exhausted, out of sorts, and flat and everything you said landed. Everything I was thinking was confirmed. It made me feel like I am not alone and that actually this is happening because my souls' purpose / and what I’ve felt is as my purpose is true and this is just part of the dance. Thank you so much"

Indulge in yourself, allowing all to unravel in a rejuvenating spa for the soul.

A place of deep remembering and rekindling.

This is where you're safe to be in the truth of the moment - of your moment.

Exciting news!

Group healing sessions will now be a part of The Reveal Community!

You will receive activations and upgrades via monthly group healing sessions
Access to all materials, tools, guidance within the portal.
Your Portal membership includes:
$99 per month
Group healing sessions led by Lyndsay     
Portal lives with Lyndsay-
Collective energy updates, New Earth teachings, Jesus teachings, and channeled messages
Ascension guidance
Tools to connect to your daily practice
Pre-recorded resources, teachings, and sessions on a variety of topics including:
Guided meditations
Yoga Nidri 
Access to intuitive teachings, healings, and guidance 
Consciousness activations and upgrades
Join us now for only $99!


The VIP Reveal Community

  • Live group healings/activations/meditations with a 1:1 focus regularly
  • Personal channelled messages, intuitive guidance and healing
  • Live q&a’s where you can ask everything you need 
  • Live energy alignments
  • Personal Human Design Template
  • An exclusive offer to upgrade to see me for some 1:1 time
  • Access to everything within The Reveal Community
Sign Up
Join Yearly and Save

Our Portal is for the souls who are ready to reveal the revelation their bodies are holding. The revelation they’ve always known was there but couldn’t quite connect with. It’s a space to connect to your unique blueprint, your knowing, your creator self. 


We are taking back what we’ve been conditioned to feel we’ve “lost.”


This is a reclamation of self, in the container of community and the New World. Hand in hand, we walk the path of the New World. We celebrate you, as you are today. We invite you to share every aspect of you, as you move through your divine healing path.


Meet Your Guide,

Lyndsay Diamond

“Being a healer, and bearing witness to another soul is the greatest privilege one can ever know in this lifetime.”

As an Architect of the New Earth, Medical Intuitive, and Quantum Healer, Lyndsay helps guide her clients back to themselves; back to a place where they can heal, access their gifts, and live from intuition. 

Lyndsay found her inner voice and developed her healing framework through processing her own trauma. Today, she’s facilitated profound healing in hundreds of clients all over the world. 

Her role in the Portal is to lead, to meet you where you are, to celebrate your individuality, and to help facilitate your divine healing.

Join Lyndsay in the Portal

Your shadow is just as beautiful as your light. When you unveil and reclaim the unknown aspects of yourself, this is your divine journey! This is the journey that you have chosen to experience in this exact way. From this place of personal embodiment, you can move from separation to unity. How remarkable! This is divine alignment. This is the portal. If you’re feeling called, we cannot wait to see you inside our Reveal Community Portal.”